Sophia NLU Engine - POS Labels

Below lists all labels the POS tagger within Sophia supports:

  • ADJ - Adjective
  • ADV - Adverb
  • CC - Coordinating conjunction
  • CS - Subordinating conjunction
  • CR - Correlative conjunction
  • CA - Adverbial conjunction
  • DT - Determiner
  • EX - Expletive
  • GR - N-gram
  • IN - Interjection
  • MD - Modal Verb
  • NS - Singular noun
  • NP - Plural noun
  • NB - Noun that can be both singular and plural
  • NN - Neutral, uncountable noun
  • NE - Named entity
  • PR - Pronoun
  • PP - Preposition
  • PUNC - Punctuation
  • SYM - Symbol
  • SYS - System / special tag
  • UN - Unknown / foreign word
  • VB - Base form / Present Simple / 1st Person (e.g., swim)
  • VBZ - Present Simple / 3rd Person (e.g., he swims with Mike)
  • VP - Past Simple (e.g., he swam yesterday)
  • VPP - Past Participle (e.g., he had swum already)
  • VBG - Present Participle (-ing) (e.g., he is swimming with Mike)
  • VF - Future Simple (e.g., he will swim)
  • VFG - Future Participle (-ing) (e.g., he will be swimming)
  • VH - Have, Base form / Present Simple / 1st Person (e.g., I have to go)
  • VHZ - Have, Present Simple / 3rd Person (e.g., you have to go with Mike)
  • VHP - Past Simple (e.g., you had to go)
  • VHF - Future Simple (e.g., he will have to go to work)

Special Tags

The following special tags are also supported by Sophia:

  • |nl|
  • |num|
  • |currency|
  • |date_period|
  • |past_date_period|
  • |future_date_period|
  • |day_of_week|
  • |distance|
  • |month|
  • |time|
  • |time_period|
  • |past_time_period|
  • |future_time_period|
  • |typography_unit|
  • |weight|
  • |volume|
  • |temperature|
  • |position|
  • |compute|
  • |disk_storage|
  • |past_day_of_week|
  • |future_day_of_week|
  • |past_month|
  • |future_month|