Mission: Ditch Big Tech

The AI revolution is underway, and it's imperative we do not treat it as another standard tech cycle. Soon, having an AI assistant will be as mandatory as owning a smart phone. The question still remains, where will the AI assistants come from?

Cicero's End Goal

To ensure private, self-hosted, open-source solutions dominate consumer-facing AI applications. Simultaneously,, to pressure big tech into redirecting their vast resources towards humanity’s betterment—focusing on medical research, renewable energies, synthetic materials, quantum computing, and more.

Big Tech's Trail of Abuse

Since the early 2000s big tech has relentlessly accumulated as much power as possible with little regard for morality. They've conducted unregulated, untested and unpredictable mass psychological experiments on society with devastating consequences. Their exploitative algorithms, manipulation and deceptive tactics have caused the loss of a baseline reality, paralyzing social divisions, and eroded our attention spans and mental faculties.

Now they're expeditiously writing the final chapter to secure a a permanent and inescapable monopoly over our personal data, attention, and critical thinking. We can all see what they're doing with the unprecedented investments in data centers, and never ending overly hyped events. They've given no idication they will change course, and every indication they plan to double down.

Don't believe their deceptive lies and false promises. Don'tbelieve history will be different this time. Setting aside leaders of social movements spawned from grass roots efforts, in order to find a benevolent leader who relinquished his power to help the masses, you have to go all the way back to Marcus Aurelius, the emperor of Ancient Rome from 161 - 180 C.E., over 1800 years ago.

If we want a future with free, open, and unbridled access to artificial intelligence, it's up to us to make it happen. Big tech won't assist in this endeavor.

Open Source Solutions

There’s no technical or logistical barrier preventing open-source from dominating consumer-facing AI applications, or that require big tech’s intervention. Imagine a future where, instead of relying on big tech’s data centers, every household has a private, self-hosted, heavily encrypted, and anonymous server. A server that serves all members of the residence with a personalized, robust, and capable AI assistant.

From the C programming language and Linux for compute, Bittorrent and Napster that transformed data sharing, to Bitcoin that revolutionized online global payments, open source has always innovated, bettering our lives and societies. It's imperative this happens again, so we do not leave future generations a world ruled by trillionaire, technocrats.

Open source has many advantages; leaner and more agile with less red tape, minimal resource constraints due to being distributable, breadth of personnel and skill, plus sense of purpose.

Stand Strong, Demand a Prosperous Future

Don't allow big tech to realize their ambitions, because it will be a permanent change. While historical examples of powerful leaders willingly relinquishing their power are nearly non-existent, history is full of instances where the voices of the masses were so loud they drowned out and overpowered the ambitions of the few.

Big tech is scrambling to permanently reshape society and the internet for their personal gain. It’s only right that we respond in kind and transform it for the benefit of the common individual. Maybe in the early 2000s, big tech was necessary as the internet was being established, but that is no longer the case.

We now have the technology, resources, and knowledge to ditch big tech. Imagine a life free of algorithmic exploitation, a society free of artificial echo chambers that give rise to insane conspiracy theories, nurtured by big tech’s manipulation to steal our attention. A world where we all benefit from private, open-source, secure AI assistants, self-hosted in our own homes, free from the grasp of big tech.

This is Cicero's mission. It is bold, it is ambitious, but it is possible.

Support Cicero's Development

Initial Cicero release is approximately 4 - 6 weeks away, help during the last development mile. If you believe in this mission, please consider offering your support. Sophia and Quadris will be released as commercial libraries, as life isn’t free, but all other code will be free and open source.

  • Site owners: Consider utilizing the Sophia NLU engine within your operation.
  • AI consultants and IT specialists: become a technology partner.
  • Rust developers, web designers, and hosting providers: Contribute to the project. If enough interest is garnered, the existing code base can be open-sourced to the public within a week.
  • Supporters of this mission: Consider donating to help us cross the finish line.

For all inquiries, please fill out the contact form.

Stay Informed

Development began in February 2024, and is nearing completion. Sign up with your email to participate in our beta program or to be notified when Cicero launches.